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Pinterest 101: Social Media Marketing

How to utilise Pinterest in your Social Media Marketing campaign

Pinterest seems to fly under the radar when creating a social media campaign. With Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok reigning as the most popular sites to advertise on, It’s easy to dismiss Pinterest as a simple image site. However, this is far from the truth. With over 433 million people using the site and 83% of users saying they have made a purchase from content they have seen on Pinterest, it’s time to start viewing Pinterest for what it is: An incredibly effective marketing space. So, how can your business use Pinterest to help improve brand awareness and conversions? Let’s take a look. 

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform in which users explore, share, and store visual content they find inspiring, helpful, or entertaining. Users create ‘boards’ which are like folders in which they save their ‘pins’ to. Pins can be links to blog posts, images and videos and so, users save their favourite content to folders with a common theme for organisation purposes. 

There are also personal and business accounts on Pinterest. Choosing a business account allows you to gain access to Pinterest Analytics and other features including a visual search tool, a native video player, and the ability to run Pinterest ads if you choose, making the platform ideal for marketers. 

How to use Pinterest for Marketing?

85% of users prefer visual content, although this visual content can often be used to link blogs or articles and, unlike Instagram, users can click through live links. In order to share your own content you need to build a board and upload your content into it. You can have as many boards as you want, organise your content into different categories with boards and also invite others to join your board to create a group. All of these things help to boost engagement to your profile. 


Top Tips:

Unique Images

As Pinterest is a visual social app, there are millions of pictures on the platform already. In order to utilise Pinterest in the best way for your brand, you want to make sure your content stands out.  Create and share branded videos and images to promote your products and company. Pinterest users watch nearly 1 billion videos per day on the platform. Share images and videos that show your product in action. How-to videos are extremely important during the decision stage of the buyer’s journey, so utilise the video feature of the platform and let prospective customers envision themselves using your products. 

Avoid blank space in your images. Images with 30% less blank space in the background are pinned most. 

Utilise Links

Unlike apps like Instagram, Pinterest allows you to link your visual content to another website. This allows you to share both written and visual content and direct users to your website at the same time.  This is a powerful addition to your marketing strategy as it allows you to boost sales and showcase your products in the online space. 

Sign Up for a Business Account

To market to your target audience, you should create a Pinterest business account. This free account provides you with access to Pinterest Analytics and other great marketing features such as a profile that clearly states you’re a business, Pinterest widgets, and Pinterest tag. If you already have a Pinterest account and want to convert it into a Pinterest business account, you can also do that without losing any of your content or work.

These are just some of the ways you can utilise Pinterest in your social media marketing strategy. Using Pinterest alongside other social media apps can have a great impact on your sales and social media presence and so, it is important to see what Every App offers your brand. You can find another of our blog posts about Twitter here  and on LinkedIn hereIf you want help in running your social media campaigns however, we can help. With our team of experts, we can help you run your social media campaigns. call 01708 952952 today to find out more or visit our website here.

Posted in Marketing News